Year 3

Mrs Drysdale

Welcome to Year 3!

Welcome to the Year 3 class page and I hope you had a relaxing break! Here you will find everything you need to support your child’s learning.

PE days are Tuesday and Thursday, please come to school in your school uniform and we will change into our PE uniform for the lesson. PE uniform can be brought into school and left on your child’s peg for the half term and consists of a plain white polo shirt/t-shirt, black shorts, black leggings or plain black tracksuit bottoms. trainers/pumps and a red fleece/jumper/cardigan for outdoor PE.

Spellings are sent home every Friday for your child to practise throughout the week as homework. Spelling assessments will take place every Friday.

Reading books will be changed as frequently as your child reads them. They have the opportunity to change them at the end of every school day. It would be greatly beneficial to your child if you read at home daily for ten minutes throughout the year.

Please come back to our class page regularly for updates about your child’s learning and if you need to contact me, please press the button on the right and start your message FAO Mrs Drysdale. Alternatively, contact the office and leave a message and I will get back to you ASAP.

What are we learning?

In English…

During the Summer term we are reading the book ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’ by Shirley Climbo. During the first half term, we will be recapping using ‘inverted commas and using paragraphs as a way of grouping material. Additionally, we will continue our learning in using wider conjunctions and figurative language to enhance description. This learning will help us to develop our writing skills and prepare us to write a narrative and explanation text.

In Maths…

Throughout the year we are always consolidating our prior knowledge. The start of the term we will continue our learning about time, followed by fractions. As always, times tables are an important part of fluency as we head towards the Statutory Multiplication Check in Year 4 and time tables will be practised often in class. Additionally, why not practise on TT Rockstars and challenge yourself and friends?

In Science…

The beginning of the Summer term will begin with learning about Light. During this unit of work, children will recognise that they need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light. They will learn to identify light sources and explore what happens when light reflects off mirrors or other reflective materials. This will be followed with Plants were the children will learn the different parts of a plant and their jobs. Additionally, they will investigate what a plant needs to grow and explore the different stages of the life cycle of a plant.

In RE…

During this term, Year 3 will start their learning with asking the question; ‘Which rules should we follow?’ We will be considering the value and purpose of rules. Additionally, we will examine rules for living and the source of these rules. We will consider the rules followed by other faiths and the ways in which the rules influence behaviour and decisions and finally we will think about our own lifestyles and the influences upon it.

In Topic…

Summer term is a History term where we will ask the question… ‘Can we be archaeologists?’ During this topic we will be exploring the achievements of the earliest civilizations – an overview of where and when the first civilizations appeared and a depth study of Ancient Egyptians.

Click to visit our PE home platform
Click here to visit Purple Mash
Click here to visit TT Rockstars

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