At East Crompton St George’s CE Primary school the curriculum is specifically tailored to meet the needs of our children – academically, spiritually, socially and in their knowledge of the World. We aim to offer our children the best educational experience possible in order to prepare them fully for the lives they are going to lead. All young people are individuals and our curriculum recognises this, striving to overcome any barriers to enable all individuals to achieve their full potential. We want our curriculum to be engaging and informing so that children are motivated, curious and inspired, enabling them to become life long learners. It should promote in children a self-belief, self-confidence and provide opportunities for children to develop resilience, skills and a breadth of knowledge across all subject areas.
Our curriculum extends beyond the formal requirement of the National Curriculum as we recognise that this is only part of what our children require. Of paramount importance within our curriculum are the values, skills and abilities we feel our children will require in order to take their place in the world as a global citizen. These will enable our children to be compassionate, resilient and driven leaders of the future, who hold strong Christian values, so that our young people develop imagination; creativity and insight; are able to reflect on their learning, their experiences and their lives; can find deeper meaning, a sense of purpose and inner peace.
Our curriculum is designed to provide rich and varied learning experiences to meet the needs, interests and aspirations of all learners, within and beyond the school day. It is underpinned by a clear whole school vision within our Mission Statement and a set of key principles.
Key Principles:
The curriculum at East Crompton St George’s is based on high quality teaching that leads to long-term learning using the National Curriculum content. We have identified key concepts which form the spine of our curriculum. Each individual subject holds its own importance, and the integrity of that subject is upheld through careful planning and learning opportunities. Links are made across some carefully thought-out themes which support the development of children’s long-term learning without compromising the importance of individual subjects. The concepts are explored in a wide breadth of topics across KS1 and KS2. By revisiting the same concepts over time and across themes children gradually build a deeper understanding of them. Our learning is organised so that all year groups have learning that is organised under a key question. Subjects are taught explicitly but where possible links are made so children make connections within a topic as well as linking understanding to prior learning and build a sense of excitement and anticipation for future learning.
English writing is taught through the use of quality whole class texts, explicit reading sessions is taught using a range of texts, including Literacy Shed +. Work with English Hubs and SLEs have helped to produce a high quality curriculum based on the skills children need at primary level.
Through using Maths No Problem, work with Maths Hub and NCTEM, Maths is taught through Mastery Maths, with an emphasis on lesson design including the concrete, pictorial, abstract approach and an understanding of precision variation in lessons, fluency and mathematical reasoning.
Science, as a core subject, is also prioritised and teaching is focused and explicit, balancing both scientific enquiry as well as scientific knowledge and understanding. The school has adapted the curriculum, using Collins Science, to help reflect and represent the diversity, locality and experiences of our pupils. Creativity and teacher expertise are woven into the curriculum with learners benefitting from their expertise and dedication. Each subject area has a subject intent, implementation and impact vision, prioritise knowledge pathways, clear long- and medium-term plans as well as whole school policy, and an annual action plan which outlines development opportunities and clearly links with the school improvement plan. In all of the foundation subjects, we have drawn upon the expertise of subject specialist and used schemes to enhance our curriculum, ensuring the children are getting the skills and knowledge they need. Examples of these include, Get Set 4 PE, Charanga in music, PSHE Association and the History Association. We have also worked closely with secondary colleagues within the Cranmer Education Trust from The Bluecoat School, to quality assure that the skills and knowledge we teach set the foundations for learning in KS3 and KS4.
The impact of the curriculum is monitored though triangulation of outcomes: pupil voice, test/data outcomes, planning, monitoring of books and displays, lesson learning walks, discussions with teaching staff, pupils and parents / carers. This monitoring is driven by leaders and subject leaders.
Pupils, parents and staff are consistently and regularly consulted about the curriculum and the impact that it makes.
The desired outcomes of the curriculum will ensure that pupils are well rounded students, ready to embark on high school education. They will be equipped with the foundations and skills to achieve success in later education. Pupils will understand what they are good at and have developed skills to face their challenges.
A high-quality education in English will teach our pupils to speak and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others and through their reading and listening, others can communicate with them.
Through reading, our pupils have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually.
We use the Read, Write, Inc phonics scheme of work within Reception and year Once pupils are able to blend sounds, this is supplemented with phonics books for pupils to take home to practise reading and an additional colour banded book to share with their parent/carer.
We have developed a bespoke reading curriculum where we ensure our pupils are practising reading whilst developing their reading skills.
Our writing strategy follows a ‘reading into writing’ approach. We focus on developing key grammatical understanding which enables pupils to effectively write with purpose. Vocabulary development is of strong importance in the school as this is an area many of our pupils find challenging.
Our Maths curriculum provides breadth and balance, is relevant and engaging and is adapted when needed to match the needs and abilities of all our children to ensure that all pupils are able to succeed.
Children follow the scheme of ‘White Rose Maths’ which supports children in learning the fundamentals behind the meanings of numbers and exploring other key mathematical areas.
The RE syllabus followed at EC St. George’s CE Primary School is a revision of ‘Questful RE’ the Blackburn Diocesan Board of Education RE syllabus 2013.
Blackburn Diocesan Board of Education believes that the high-quality Religious Education (RE) delivered in our Church schools is the key to enabling every child to flourish. We are committed to producing quality resources that will provide our teachers with the knowledge and skills they need to ensure that the children experience the best RE curriculum. Quality RE has the potential, more than any other subject, to have the most powerful and lasting effect on the child’s heart and mind. It is a subject that combines academic rigour with the development of the character and spirit of the child. RE provides opportunities for spiritual development and personal reflection. It develops children’s knowledge and understanding of the nature of religion and belief, it provokes challenging questions about meaning and purpose, truth and values, identity and belonging. RE prepares children for citizenship in today’s diverse society. It enables them to develop sensitivity to, and respect for others. Quality RE breaks down barriers and builds communities. At its best RE offers pupils authentic encounters with living faith communities equipping them with the ability to hold an informed conversation about religious beliefs and practices.
Information from The Blackburn Diocesan Board of Education
Our science curriculum has been developed in unison with other Cranmer Education Trust schools and the Head of Science at The Blue Coat school. Pupils engage in learning through investigation and develop a spiralling understanding of science which will place them in a strong position to understand biology, chemistry and physics as they move to secondary school.
In computing, school follows the ‘Purple Mash’ programme of study. This offers ‘hands on’ learning opportunities to meet the computing elements of the national curriculum. Pupils receive a home login so that they can continue to practise these skills at home.
*Please note we are currently tweaking our curriculum to suit our mixed aged class. Our updated plans will be here soon.
PSHE is delivered through the ‘Jigsaw’ programme of study. This offers pupils the opportunity to consider their own thoughts and opinions and develop an increasing understanding of others. Much of the learning taking place is through discussion where children’s own ideas are challenged and expanded to enable them to become knowledgeable and accepting of others lives and experiences.
*Please note we are currently tweaking our curriculum to suit our mixed aged class. Our updated plans will be here soon.
PE is delivered through the ‘REAL PE’ programme of study. This scheme focusses on non-traditional games, which have a strong focus on fundamental movement skills. This also allows us to focus on the wider areas of PE, such as social skills, to help our pupils foster a love of moving, making them willing, life-long participants in sport.
We follow the Kapow scheme of work for French. We have modified the scheme so that our pupils can leave our school in Year 6 having a grasp of basic skills in speaking, reading, writing and SPaG in French.
*Please note we are currently tweaking our curriculum to suit our mixed aged class. Our updated plans will be here soon.
In Music, we follow the Charanga scheme of work. Charanga enables children to understand musical concepts through a repetition-based approach to learning. Learning about the same musical concept through different musical activities enables a more secure, deeper learning and mastery of musical skills.
For Art/DT, we follow the Kapow scheme of work. We ensure that our pupil’s learning in Art and DT are closely linked with their History and Geography (topic) units.
*Please note we are currently tweaking our curriculum to suit our mixed aged class. Our updated plans will be here soon.
East Crompton St George’s CE Primary School is proud to be part of the Cranmer Education Trust
Cranmer Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England. Company registration number: 07687709. Registered Office: Cranmer Education Trust, c/o The Blue Coat School, Egerton Street, Oldham OL1 3SQ. The website address is and the phone number 0161 785 5082.