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PEis on a Monday and a Friday. Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing the correct PE kit, which can be viewed here , and check that your child is not wearing earrings.
Look at the changing colours of leaves as well as the shapes and sizes.
Understand the effects of the changing seasons.
Past and Present
Talk about when parents/ grandparents were young.
Look at and compare images from the past.
People, Culture and Communities
Describe family members.
Understand that there are different types of families.
Begin to look at the community.
Look at changes within living memory.
Compare school to a school in the past.
Look at the differences in how children lived in the past compared to now.
This half term we are going to look at autumn. We will look at how we identify signs of autumn, day length and what weather we might expect.
Expressive Arts and Design
During Autumn we will:
Creating with Materials
Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function
Talk about new creations.
Use materials to express an idea.
Being Imaginative and Expressive
Begin to develop story lines in play.
Sing a range of well-known nursery rhymes and songs;
Begin to engage in music making and dance.
Begin to recognise and copy a simple beat in music.
During Autumn 1, we will be exploring different stories related to autumn.
Begin to notice some relationships between texts.
Begin to makes links between texts and own experiences.
Begin to retrieve information from a text.
Begin to make a prediction.
Word Reading
Say the sound for set 1 – Reception.
Say the sounds for set 2 and set 3 – year 1
Read words consistent with their phonic knowledge by sound-blending
Read aloud simple sentences/ sentences and books that are consistent with their phonics knowledge, including common exception words
Writing names correctly using the correct letter formation – reception
Write simple phrases that can be read by others – reception
Write sentences using correct spacing between words.
Write sentences using capital letters at the start.
Communication and Language
During Autumn we will:
Listening, Attention and Understanding
Listen attentively and respond to what they hear with relevant questions, comments and actions when being read to and during whole class discussions and small group interactions
Make comments about what they have heard and ask questions to clarify their understanding
Hold conversation when engaged in back-and-forth exchanges with their teacher and peers.
Understand humour more readily e.g. nonsense rhymes/jokes
Participate in small group, class and one-to-one discussions, offering their own ideas, using recently introduced vocabulary;
Offer explanations for why things might happen, making use of recently introduced vocabulary from stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems when appropriate;
Express their ideas and feelings about their experiences using full sentences, including use of past, present and future tenses and making use of conjunctions, with modelling and support from their teacher.
In Lyon Class we will follow the ‘White Rose’ scheme which is delivered across the whole school. Following this scheme will provide the children with a firm foundation for developing maths mastery.
During Autumn 1 we will focus on developing:
Automatically recall number bonds up to 5 – reception
Verbally count beyond 10, recognising the pattern of the counting system – reception
Looking at ways to sort and compare – reception
Number formation.
Recognising at the place value of numbers – year 1
Ensuring accuracy when counting.
Physical Development
During Autumn we will:
Gross Motor Skills
Begin to develop good posture when sitting at the table or on the floor.
Begin to change movement and direction.
Begin to move around obstacles.
Follow simple movements and patterns.
Describe a movement.
Fine Motor Skills
Hold a pencil effectively in preparation for fluent writing – using the tripod grip in almost all cases
Use a range of small tools, including scissors, paint brushes and cutlery
Begin to show accuracy and care when drawing. Include detail in drawings and observational drawing.
Ensure letters start and end in the correct place.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
During Autumn we will:
Identify and name emotions.
Begin to show resilience – year 1 continue to develop resilience during independent tasks.
Set a shared goal with a friend.
Focus on turn taking.
Managing Self
Develop confidence and try new activities.
To begin to understand the importance of brushing teeth, exercise and healthy eating.
Building Relationships
Describe yourself positively.
Begin to build constructive and respectful relationships.
East Crompton St George’s CE Primary School is proud to be part of the Cranmer Education Trust
Cranmer Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England. Company registration number: 07687709. Registered Office: Cranmer Education Trust, c/o The Blue Coat School, Egerton Street, Oldham OL1 3SQ. The website address is and the phone number 0161 785 5082.