Year 4 Home Learning

Week 1

Day 1
EnglishAnalyse a film clip to learn a story
MathsMultiplication and Division representations
TopicHow was Ancient Greece Organised?
Day 2
EnglishInvestigate suffixes -ate and -en
MathsBar models
TopicWhy do we know so much about Ancient Greece
Day 3
EnglishExplore complex sentences
MathsShowing 2-step word problems
TopicWhat was the Golden Age of Greece?
Day 4
EnglishGenerate vocabulary
MathsDeriving Multiplication Facts
TopicWhat was Athenian Democracy?
Day 5
EnglishUnderstand words associated with the countryside
MathsDeriving Division and Multiplication Facts
TopicWhat did the Ancient Greeks believe in?

Week 2

Day 1
EnglishPlan the opening to a narrative
MathsUse the distributive law
TopicWho were the Ancient Greek philosophers?
Day 2
EnglishPractice and apply knowledge of suffixes -ate and -en
MathsSolve 2-digit multiplication problems
TopicWho won the Peloponnsian wars?
Day 3
EnglishWrite the opening to a story
MathsSolve three-one digit multiplication problems
TopicWhy was Alexander so great?
Day 4
EnglishTo write a narrative build up
MathsMultiply three digit numbers by one digit numbers
TopicWhat were the great achievements of the Ancient Greeks?
Day 5
EnglishPlan a build-up to a story
MathsExplore multiplication strategies
TopicExtended writing – the achievements of the Ancient Greeks

Week 3

Day 1
EnglishWrite the build up to a story
MathsDivide using knowledge of multiples
TopicIntroducing and describing yourself in French
Day 2
EnglishGenerate vocabulary for the climax
MathsShort division 1
TopicCounting to 12 and saying your age
Day 3
EnglishInvestigate suffixes
MathsShort Division 2
TopicSaying the months
Day 4
EnglishDevelop understanding of complex sentences
MathsShort Division 3
TopicSaying the month that your birthday is in
Day 5
EnglishPlan the climax
MathsProblem solving, choosing operations
TopicSaying your name, age and describing yourself in French

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